Introduction to Molly's Music!

Molly's Music

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything" 


 Welcome to my new blog, all about music.

I thought I'd begin my blogging journey by telling you about myself and future plans. 

So Who Am I?

My name is Molly and I am currently a High School student in my final years of A Levels. I currently study English Literature, Music and History with plans of going to university to study Music further (with a particular interest in composition and well being). 

I am a big lover of all things Music. My favourite genres are Musical Theatre, Indie Pop, Classic oldies (Motown) and of course Disney. Some of my favourite artists include Rex Orange County, Decklan McKenna, Billy Joel, Fleetwood Mac, Aretha Franklin, Carole King and so many more. As a musician, I am currently Grade 7 on the Flute but also sing and play some piano.

I decided to start a blog about Music so that I had a platform that I could use to easily share my love of music with others. 

Future Plans (Dreams and Ambitions)

As I mentioned, I aim to go to university next year where I will study Music at a higher level. Depending on the university I get into, I would also like to continue to study History alongside Music as a second passion of mine.

Following university, I aim to eventually go into Music Therapy and use my knowledge and talent of Music in order to help others in need. I would also like to continue composing on the side of this (if possible) whether this be part of films, games or simply for pure enjoyment.

The Blog...

Throughout the blog I aim to discuss a variety of topics that are close to my heart. Some of the topics that I hope to cover throughout the blog are:

  • Music and Well Being / Health 
  • Music Therapy
  • Film Music
  • Music and Conflict
  • Music in Disney Films
  • Importance of Music (in particular in Schools)
  • A Level and GCSE Music: Tips, Hacks, Revision etc
  • Music and EPQ 
  • Music at University: Advice
I might also show my own work throughout the blog including composition projects or performance projects that I have done throughout the year in order to help inspire young, influential musicians. 

Although ideally, I would like to create a new post every month/two months, I would like to mention now that I am currently in year 13 so although this would be ideal, I am unsure as to how realistic this will be in particular as exams approach or school work becomes too stressful. 

I hope you enjoy reading the blog and share in the same interests as myself. Please leave any comments of topics you would like me to research or discuss or any feedback on how  I can improve this blog.

Many thanks!! :)


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