Benefits of Music

 Kids Music Day - Benefits of Music

We all love music and we all enjoy listening to it but do you actually know the positive benefits that it has on you…

Music is EVERYWHERE!!! It’s in our theatres, our television, movies, worship, holidays, celebrations and military ceremonies. It can also become a natural part of the home as well (see previous post - Music in the Home). 

A child hears music from their baby days when mothers and fathers would use music (in particular lullabies) to calm and soothe the child, to express love and joy and to engage and interact. But most parents don’t actually know that these natural instincts can help impact child development, improve social skills and even more benefits.

Music and the Brain:

  • Music can accelerate brain development (in particular with language and reading skills)

  • Learning to play an instrument can improve mathematical learning and even increase SAT scores

  • Music impacts intellectual, social-emotional, moor, language and overall literacy

  • It helps to connect the body and the mind in order to work together

Exposing children to music during these early years of their lives helps them to learn different sounds and the meaning of words. Dancing to different pieces of music allows them to practice self expression and it can also help strengthen memory skills.

Ignoring the developmental benefits, music at its simplest brings us joy. It can help us to experience a range of emotions, not just joy, and it's the easiest way to express oneselves. 

Additional benefits of music include:

  • Teaches them to focus and relieves stress - music demands total attention therefore it is a great stress-relieving tool that can calm the mind and enhance concentration

  • Helps to understand maths - learning rhythms in music can help children to learn ratios, fractions and proportions. Make maths fun and learn it in an artistic way

  • Form of self-expression - music helps children to  manage their feelings better by expressing them through language

  • Improved social skills - music is often played in a group and therefore team work skills are improved. Working towards a single goal with a group of people also enhances social skills

  • Improved self confidence - improving abilities in an instrument and achieving goals can make children feel very satisfied which in turn improves their self esteem

These are only some of the benefits with the simplest explanation. There's so many more examples and so many more complex ideas that demonstrate Music's importance to a child. Take time next time you have a few free minutes to research some benefits and then you'll see just how significant it is for Music to remain in schools and for the children to be taught or even experience music from a young age!

I covered the benefits of music in my EPQ which has a separate post titled "Music and EPQ". I encourage you all to take a look at this whenever you can and either read the dissertation or even just watch the powerpoint video which summarises it all for you. Encouraging music and promoting the importance of music in society is a task that urgently needs doing before its too late!!


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